Vancouver, British Columbia

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Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver is where the ocean meets the mountains. Aside from spectacular natural beauty, this British Columbia coastal metropolis has a relaxed charm that makes it one of the most popular Canadian cities to visit. Vancouver is also a gateway to all sorts of nearby adventures, including Whistler/Blackcomb ski resort, and numerous islands off the coast. The city also acts as a port stop for cruise ships that are most often headed to Alaska.The city is less than three hours from Seattle and boasts an exceptional public transportation system that can take visitors from the Vancouver International Airport to downtown in about twenty minutes. Vancouver is famous for its fresh, local seafood, especially its salmon. Pacific Northwest salmon—including BC salmon—is shipped to every part of the world, but it's best when you can enjoy it here, fresh off the boat. Local halibut, Canadian sablefish, and BC Spot Prawns are also deliciously popular in Vancouver.
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